
Showing posts from 2017

Speech recognition - Centos 7

How to setup pyaudio and speech recognition on centos7. ? The following exercise was performed to do some stuff related to speech recognition, wherein ill be giving voice input through microphone and the same voice would be printed in the console as text. What we need ? 1. speech recognition (opensource): - Install it, make sure you have "pip" installed on the system. Pip is basically a package management tool to manage python based packages. #  pip install SpeechRecognition 2. Install "pyaudio" to give voice input over the microphone,Before installing pyaudio we need to install couple of depenedencies # yum install portaudio # yum install portaudio-devel # pip install pyaudio All set here. Just quickly try the speech recogntion. 1. connect your michrophone to your laptop 2. Execute the following command on CLI as root #  python  -m  speech_recognition Now say anything clearly and you should...

How to troubleshoot hung/stuck jboss container process??

How to troubleshoot hung/stuck java process?? There are several tools available on linux to troubleshoot. 1) Enable the thread dump in jboss configuration file (generally run.conf). Make sure that it is enabled earlier so that you can take the thread dump as and when required. Here to take dump, one simply need to issue the following command: # kill -3 <pid> You should be able to see the dump on your console. How to capture the same in a file, try it on your own. Have some fun with that.;-) 2) jmap     Using this tool you can monitor the proces memory footprint. Using the below command keep monitoring the heap related parameters which might give some insight about the stuck pids # jmap -F -heap <PID> Attaching to process ID 3423, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 24.65-b04 using thread-local object allocation. Parallel GC with 8 thread(s) Heap Configuration:    ...